Monday, 30 September 2013

Ellen DeGeneres on TM meditation

Relax your shoulders, take a deep cleansing breath, lift the corners of your lips towards your ears, relax your spine, your lower belly... and let fresh energy run through you. 

Today I am sweetening my day with Ellen. Here she is sharing her experience of meditation: Ellen on TM meditation  

Deeply, deeply, deeply relax...

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Deepak Chopra's Top 8 Meditation Tips

I often find myself dreaming of my future during meditation. Deepak Chopra on the link here: Deepak Chopra's Top 8 Meditation Tips recommends to do that before the meditation. Than the meditation can have an effect. Empty, mind empty... Relax... Hope you've all had a great weekend!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Boy George chanting and meditating

Karma Karma Karma Chameleon... Love his music from the 80s. It was so fresh, gentle and his looks sweet, dare to be different. He still looks good to me now, though affected by his lifestyle. The 80s were a time when I still listened to music. Last ten years not very much. Every music has a message. Lyrics are often written in exaggeratedly emotional way. It all effects me. So I rather listen to music for meditation or nothing. When looking to find a link to Dragana and Boy's cookbook I've came across one of the latest articles from Buddhist's news Buddhism has kept me sober: Boy George  and also his tweets: Twitted: Just did my morning meditation. I am meditating now to send him healing wishes and for me to connect to his creativity. A very inspiring man x       

Friday, 27 September 2013

A few more days of mantra meditation journey

Playfulness - is my today's mantra. And to have more colorful meditation practice I am connecting with the 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey. There are only a few days left. Enjoy your day! 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Who am I?

For ten Thursday evenings I will be attending Sex and Intimacy seminar series by Landmark. Yes, I will be looking into any in-authenticity connected with my intimate life. But even more I want to know more fully of who I am. As this is the starting point for the seminar. Who am I and what I really stand for on this planet?

Meditation as a technique to relax, take care of my mental and physical health, a path to inquire deeper into the world of wisdom, beauty, is one thing I stand for. Till I don't find or design even a more effective technique. Which will probably not be very likely as this one has been on the planet for very long. Though maybe? 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Sara Williams

Sara Williams (more about her if you click on the link) has been my inspiration for quite a few years now. I've started with having esoteric breast massages with her and then slowly I realized there is much more behind that. It is not just a physical massage. I started to pay more attention on how am I living day to day. I was happy as my job in an energy healing centre provided me with daily staff morning meditation practice. And we also were doing energy cleansing exercises before that in a nearby park. And I could have 30 min meditation as my lunch break in one of the rooms. No one would think I am weird for that. We all loved being there for this exact reason. But when I met Sara and got deeper into her line of healing work I realized how every single of my life choices matters. Food, sleep, how I dress myself in the morning... Everything effects my energy and this is the same energy I bring with me when I work with clients. It is not just about a technique I am teaching them, it is also about how am I being, when I am with them. I will leave you with this thought and go to take care of my energy. So long :)     

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Silent Meditation with Sara Williams' Spherical Living

This is a very special group I met in London. I used to work in a relaxation space and venue that was feng shui'ed. During networking for work I met a feng shui teacher Simon Brown, whose wife Dragana was as me from former Yugoslavia. She had a healthy food store on Kensington High Street and looked like she knows her away around London very well. She has written a macrobiotic diet book together with her student Boy George Karma-Cookbook-Tasty-Dishes. She invited me to a presentation of esoteric breast massage. I've read the invite carefully and thought this could be something that could deepen my own relaxation and meditation practice. As I never had really specific feelings of myself as a woman. After the first breast massage I felt so lovely, sweet, tender... Massage is in London done by Sara Williams, and we gathered there tonight for a silent meditation. After Sunday's women's meeting and tonight's meditation the feeling of loveliness is back strongly in my body. There is something special of meditating in a group. Particularly a group that pays so much attention to self care, self love, love... It spreads... That's why I am inviting you again - join me xx   

Monday, 23 September 2013

Soft and sweet woman

Came back from work and I'm trying to connect to the softness and sweetness I felt yesterday after women's meeting. My today's meditation intention is to feel a sweet and soft woman again. I harden at work, focusing to do everything right, to not mess up my boss's schedule or his travel plans and to perform: do this, do that, showing I am an efficient and needed staff member. And I feel I harden above my chest and also under arm. And my belly gets more tight and squeezed. 
If you are a man or a woman that never really felt into how soft and sweet a relaxed and expanded female body feels this might sound a bit weird for you. But I am inviting you to get weird with me ;) It feels really really sweet.     

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Self care and nurture for me as a woman

I've come home from the monthly Esoteric Developers Women's Group. We talk about how to live as women in western society that is primarily male energy driven. This time we talked about how we care about ourselves specifically as women. So part of my self care is enough sleep, early bed, but this relates to me as a person rather than a woman. Using make up and dresses to feel myself more as a gentle female? ... This monthly meeting is always a check-up time for me as as soon as I come to the room I feel how tired I feel of my constant doing doing doing orientation. I want to do this - write a book and then that - meditation group, and then that - meditations online, always DOING. Yet the primary principle of a woman which is for me often still very abstract is BEING. There are times when I allow myself to stop and just be and say the heck with it all, why do I always need to do something? And I do feel as a soft, gentle and sweet woman. So my today's meditation is dedicated to me as Just Be.

Saturday, 21 September 2013


I know this is a meditation blog and we are usually all nice and kind and namaste about it. My tonight's session will have to deal with my anger. I have a neighbor with a very loud and bass supported TV. The wall between us is obviously very thin. It is just before 9pm, I will soon go to bed and this ass is keeping it up. I've talked to him three times I think a year ago and then he lowered it down for quite a while. I can take a moment to feel gratitude for that actually. But now... it is up again. Do I go and talk to him again? Connecting to the collective consciousness, everything is saying, go, do it. 
Funny enough now is exactly 9pm and sounds like he switched it off. OK. So no confrontation tonight. I'll follow my own advice and have an early night. Bisous   

Friday, 20 September 2013

21-day Mantra Meditation Journey

Tonight I followed meditations on the following link: 21 day Mantra Meditation Journey. Preparing and restoring energy for a creative weekend. I am still under the influence of my co-worker's sudden death. What if I die tomorrow? Am I happy with the way I live? hmmmm...

Got the first member for our building's meditation group tonight. We will start on Monday! Happy :)   

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Deeply nurturing meditation

Sitting. Sitting in a deep nurturing meditation, softening my shoulders, expanding lower belly... There has been a lot of turbulence in the last few days, emotional releasing and fast reaction on ideas. So right now all I want is a soft and relaxed body ready to fall into a deep winter sleep.

Are you alone? Join me - relax your neck, your shoulders, back muscles, open and expand your belly. Slowly. With deep love to your body. Slow and deep breaths. Slow and deep breaths. Slow... deep... 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Inner smile meditation - by Lee Holden

I really liked yesterday's stretching exercises with Lee Holden so am digging into his material today as well. Inner smile meditation led by a good looking master. Enjoy x

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Stretching for deep sleep

I am still all achy from the weekend, so will help my meditation with some deep stretching. You can do it with me following this video: Stretching for Deep Sleep. We do this kind of movements at my pilates classes, here it is shown as part of Qigong practice, but doesn't matter the name, this does feel extremely good!  

Monday, 16 September 2013

Found a place to lead meditation daily!

What I wanted to get from this weekend's communication seminar is to be more effective and complete the book I've written asap. Usually any Landmark seminar would stir me up and release some blockages what would have an immediate result in efficiency. First day I was pretty resistant, thinking why the heck do I need to spend yet another weekend in a closed room with a bunch of weird strangers. Though I did see I still have people in my life that I walk around very very carefully not to break any eggshells. And this does make me loose a lot of energy. And no meditation will help me raise up my energy levels if I keep on loosing energy. So though resistant I did make the phone calls using new communication models I learnt and yes, it was much easier! I am not going to say I broke those shells completely though I would very much loved to, but the releasing process started. Then I got it, I have to organize a group of people around me to meditate regularly and to use the power of the group dynamic. On my own, though writing a blog, it is not strong enough. Went to the reception of the building I live in this morning, asked if they have any available space - and they have. For free! Gosh! Two years I've been researching, calculating, strategizing, thinking, thinking, thinking... Of course I thought of checking with the reception of my building before but - I have not done it. And this is the wonderful power of the ''why the heck I am on a Landmark seminar this weekend again''. So I have a room. Now I am going to pray for the universe to bring a bunch of powerful meditators and manifestators my way. They have to be my neighbors but I am happy to squeeze you in. 8am on a weekday, central London - Goodge street station. Message me if interested!

Bonne nuit!  

Sunday, 15 September 2013


The seminar I've attended was Landmark's Communication seminar. I will now sit down and let my mind and body process what I've got. Sleeping time afterwards as I have to go to work tomorrow. Will tell you more about what I've got from the seminar on my next post. Au revoir!  

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Accepting knowledge in the meditative position

I am preparing myself for today's long day. The seminar starts at 9am and finishes at 11pm. Part of me is protesting: why do I need this? But it was the same last time I went, first I was resistant and then I was very happy I went. I am preparing myself mentally, softening, asking the universe to guide me to pick up what I need. Body soft, head open... Enjoy your weekend    

Friday, 13 September 2013

Smile meditation

Today I have to be quick, I need to prepare for a two day seminar this weekend and I would like to go to sleep very early. So I will do what I call smile meditation. Sitting comfortable, eyes closed, a couple of deep cleansing breaths and then smiling. First gently, than higher and higher. Ear to ear smile, my teacher would call it. So, you are welcome to copy. (5 min) Ear to ear. Smile x  

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Energy flows where attention goes

Why is it good to be clear on your intentions when you are meditating? Energy flows where attention goes. There is a great article explaining it here: Qigong teaches that energy follows attention. What I see as most important it says at the end that meditation is an activity that brings energy back in the body. We do so many activities that push energy out of the body. I can feel it when I am out of balance myself. Like a few days ago with feeling so annoyed and irritable. I spent energy plus I wanted to spent more on my projects and wishes. Though the answer is always balance. Balance of in/out.  

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Qi Gong - my meditation beginnings

I've said I will tell you more about my past, but see life sprints. The group from Slovenia I began my meditation/relaxation practice with, had its base in qi gong. I was looking to find something similar here in the UK, but came only across qi gong as a physical training. As the article How does Qigong work? explains, there are a lot of primarily internal based practices. Today my meditation is going to be dedicated to express gratitude for my prenatal qi gong training. How is yours going?      

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Feeling irritated and annoyed

Absolutely everything annoyed me today. I would try to balance myself with: Be grateful. Be grateful for all the money and the life that I currently got. But the annoyance would just keep on coming back. I am annoyed I have so little time to create things I really want to. I am annoyed I have so little time and opportunity to spend time with people I really love. 

Now I am at home, sat through meditation and am in a better and softer mood. I can actually create something.    

Monday, 9 September 2013

Silent meditation and than ... nothing spectacular

End of summer
Sat in silence for 45 min after I woke up. I do feel more relaxed and recharged than I did after I first opened my eyes. But that's about it. No spectacular revelations, or some out of this world strong energy flow through my body. The thing is I had a couple of amazing experiences with meditation and each time when the outcome is not up to that level I feel disappointed. Why is it not so strong this time? What have I done that time that I got that result? And luckily here is Deepak Chopra to explain that meditation works even when you don't feel anything unusual. You sit, meditate and afterwards you might not feel any much difference. But they proved it with research that it still works. And I do remember my close friend, practicing regularly and time to time complaining: 'I don't feel anything. Not much difference.' But yet she would heal a very annoying health problem and after a few months got a job of her dreams. Enjoy your day and let me know if you are ready to practice regularly here with me.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Expectation vs Intention

I had an interesting conversation with a friend today on what do we really manifest in our life. If we want two things and only one manifests, why is it so?

I am not that far to answer this question but came across someone asking Deepak Chopra:

When we start to meditate, is it wrong to expect our deepest wishes to manifest 

Deepak Chopra's reply:

It’s fine to be open to the possibility of instant manifestation, but it is counterproductive to expect it, because expectation is a form of attachment or identification, and that inhibits the universal nature of the mind from fully supporting the manifestation process. Love, Deepak

So you set your intention and let the universe unfold your path. I am going to meditate now x

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Meditation with set intentions

Harry Bingham ''Guide to Getting published''
Woke up fresh and early today @ 4.30am. Has been a while since I've been up that early. In the years when I trained meditation every day with a group at 5am that would be a normal start. It might have been a result of my enjoyment with the french meditation last night. I will repeat it again today with two intentions: first one is to really deeply relax with focus on rejuvenation of my face and next one to ask the universe to guide me on the best path to publish my previously mentioned diary. I am almost done with reading the book on the photo ''Getting published'' and I strongly recommend it to anyone interested in commercial publishing in UK. It shows how the industry of classical publishing works. If you are interested in kindle or other ways of self-publishing than that's not a book for you. 

Why I mention my intentions: we've always done two things before meditation. First one was releasing anything that would bother or prevent us from sinking into meditation fully by expressing it loudly. Pains, fears, infatuations with somebody or something... Anything disturbing. Secondly setting out our current goals. Even if the goal would be simple like I want to be healthy and happy. You could say it out loud or just be clear in your head what are your current intentions. And in my case I seen it works best when I deal with one or two intentions at a time. Not too many at once.    

So my lovelies, it' great to see the number of your visits on my blog statistics. Meditate with me now, write your intentions in the comments box if you dare :-) and a great night to you all x    

Friday, 6 September 2013

Guided Meditation in French (oui oui)

I wanted to have something special for today's evening. A delicious spécialité: meditation guided in French. I don't speak or understand much French but I already know how to relax. So no need to follow detailed instructions. Closed my eyes, softened shoulders, expanded belly and then let the magic of a soft spoken French run through me.

If you love everything French as much as I do, enjoy it! Delicious Guided Meditation in soft spoken French. Do you love some other foreign language and culture? Which?
I feel tired after work again tonight, so will say ''Au revoir''! 
Talk some more over the weekend!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Yoga and meditation

Tara Stiles
Today I had a lunchtime yoga class. When I finished the day at work I felt much more at peace. Not so dead exhausted as yesterday. And also now after chiropractic, long way there and back, I feel pleasantly tired and not dead.
If I feel restless, or feeling having ''too much energy'', (which means you are running on adrenalin energy and it would be really really worthy if you calmed down), I find it easier to slip into meditation if I do yoga beforehand. Some stretches, twisting, bending, deep breaths. Here is nice video (5 min) you can use in the evening when you come home: Tara Stiles - Yoga for Relaxation. And after you've done the poses you can stay meditating as long as you like. I've done it - now it's your turn. Namaste!     

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Throw yourself into the chilling ocean meditation!

Hi! If you are feeling so exhausted and fed up with every day's life little details as I did as I came home from work today, what is better than throwing your overheated body and brain into the fresh delicious sea! 

Except for there is no delicious sea in London,UK. So I use this meditation video to do the trick: Guided Ocean Meditation. It lasts less than 4 min and it made me fresh and vital. Yay! 

And - if you think you've found a better video on this particular ''sea meditation'' topic, do post a link in the comments space.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I'm just here for the savasana! :)

Came home from zumba and dance pilates. It is 9pm and I am already half asleep. Short meditation and au revoir till tomorrow! 

By the way, it is great for the work of your spleen if you do go to bed at 9pm. Try it. I was also a bit skeptical before, though I did find from the experiences that if I go to sleep after midnight I never fully recharge no matter how long or how short I would sleep.    

I' just here for the savasana! Come and join in. 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Why do you meditate?

Hm, I've read these three posts I've written so far and realized I haven't told you much about me. Except for the fact that I practice meditation for a Methuselah long amount of years. If I would really be present with my practice I would definitely have better results in my life. I guess... But... I did have some significant results that's what kept me going all those years. First year healing chronic gland inflammation only through healing meditation and it has not appear ever since (which is like 15 years ago). Before I was operated twice and stayed for a week in hospital. Oh, and the first result came after two weeks of every day 5am morning practice,  my that time boyfriend asked me to marry him! That was a thrill! I had some wicked results with passing exams. Not just me, the whole group of students that we were practicing regularly. And year by year I felt deeper inner peace. Also emotional ups and downs became much more balanced. This might also be the result of ageing. An amazing consequence of getting older is my inner confidence that is deeper year by year. I do believe it is based also in the ability to hold in the inner peace. So my today's meditation was dedicated to enhance healing in my right hip. I am seeing a chiropractor at the moment as I felt some kind of weird tension in this hip for quite a few years. Result of a car accident I had when I was 18 I guess. Why do you meditate? Do you monitor the results of your meditation? 

Good night! x

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Deepak Chopra

Dr. Deepak Chopra
Today I listened to the last session from Deepak Chopra's Centre 21-day-meditation-challenge. They run the challenge every couple of months so it is good to keep an eye on it. It is not as powerful experience as some live led meditations can be for me, but I do like it, love Deepak's books and his combination of science and philosophy. I also love his voice, it is very velvety and calm, and his modern stylish looks. And the way he handles objections from skeptics, have to laugh each time I see the case of it. Would love to watch a movie Decoding Deepak his son Gotham made about him, but today my plan is to read another 50 pages of the ''get published'' book. Enjoy and maybe see you at a new 21-day-challenge. Enjoy your day x