Thursday, 31 October 2013

Pranayama and shavasana

Lunchtime yoga with Sebastian today. Start with pranayama, finish with shavasana. Feeling fresh, ready to roll on the day. If you want to know more about pranayama, here is a great article from Yoga Journal:
Pranayama and more I'm off to my Landmark's sex and intimacy evening seminar. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Healing session with John Vesey

I feel very nice and relaxed though it is very very late. I had a healing session with John Vesey in Teddington and we tackled my relationship issues. I think I am on the right way of healing and issues are now going to be resolved in depth. And then...  - love like a lady ;)

Going to meditate now and start calling in my own powerful energy connection. With strong focus on men I lost 15 years where I did train energetically but men were most of the time my main interest. So I never gave myself to the training fully. NOW is the TIME!! 

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Easy, playfully ...

Chris Howard
There has been lots of happening in the last week, I got too involved in it. I feel hard, not easy too relax, meditate or flow sweet energy through the day to keep my wellbeing. So I am going to have a mantra in my head today:  E A S Y, P L A Y F U L L Y :-) 

I first time came across it at Christopher Howard's Breakthrough to Success seminar. He would be describing his martial arts training, how he was very successful at kung fu and then at one point he realized that the best fighters of all martial arts are coming from jiu jitsu and if he wants to win them, he needs to forget kung fu and learn it. Jiu jitsu has this brazilian easy, playfully attitude that allows the energy to flow and express itself as the strongest power (in the world of martial arts).  

If I am taking e a s y, p l a y f u l l y, into my life, of course it makes sense as how can hardness have power? It's hard, unreceptive for fresh energy, so eventually exhausts all its resources. My mind is happy, so let me do some meditation now.    EASY  PLAYFULLY   :-) 

Monday, 28 October 2013

What is obsessive behavior in relationships with men costing me?

So, prediction of my dream came true. The prediction was: ''Your direction (love affair) will be influenced by unconscious childhood trauma, influencing negatively.'' On Thursday morning I woke up all sweaty and had to check the meaning of my dream. This doesn't happen very often, normally I really can't remember what I was dreaming of. As love affair was mentioned I thought it could be something connected with that. 

A day later we had a massive clash with a guy I'd just started to get to know this month. We've talked about our goals and what we both want from life and other meaningful stuff. He would sometimes tease and provoke me a bit, which gave me even more motivation to be clear on things I was describing to him. I felt very vital and productive since our exchange was on. And after two weeks, he would provoke me just a little bit over the top and I exploded: ''If I say to a guy ''I want you'', it means I want you in my life. Not only physically, I see myself with you: living together, travelling together, visiting our parents, having a baby... ''I want you'' are not just flirty words for me. It is REAL. Do you get me you ... '' and I used an insulting word I am really sorry for and I really don't mean he is that. ''And since you are not available it just upsets me.''

Now I only met this guy once. All other exchange was on emails. Yet, my feelings for him were already so intense, like we could speak about living together and having a baby. I became obsessed with him, waking up at 4.30am, checking my email if there is anything new and that would continue throughout the day. 

Before it would be amusing to me, gosh, I am really crazy. My first book describes my heavy infatuation and obsessive behavior and I would be laughing, this woman in the book you know, she is really a bit off. But now I finally see what this is costing me. This sweet and wise man who inspired me so much and made me feel so energetic is now out of my life and doesn't want to speak to me as - no way he wants to have a baby with me, or anything else I described. And plus I insulted him, which really shouldn't happen. And how many times has that happened to me before? 

Negative influence of the unconscious is I think the obsessive behavior I started to explore. I still don't know exactly why I have this behavior. How did it start ..., it's all unconscious. And maybe all together had to happen so I am even more motivated to clean and heal it all.

And then I will finally be ready to love like a lady. ''Love Like A Lady''    I love this song :-)   

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Meditation for beauty

Relax your shoulders. Relax your neck. Sit up straight and close your eyes. Though if you close them you can't read this meditation further lol. Relax your forehead. And your cheeks. Concentrate on relaxing every tension on your face. Your mouth can get slightly opened so the jaw is soft, relaxed too. 

Relaxation of your face will expand to other areas of your body though you don't need to think of them except if there is any area really tense. Relax into that area then and when softer come back to your face. Soften into any area of your face that is prone to develop wrinkle lines. And enjoy. Observe your breath. And enjoy. 

Salut - bye! :-)   

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Missing my mum and dad

Couldn't remember any unconscious childhood trauma. But maybe it is enough to be warned there is something there. Missing my mum and dad. 

Meditating and sending love to my family.

Have a great weekend!


Friday, 25 October 2013

Three french hens

I am having an obsession with everything French. But how do you differentiate from passion and from obsession? If I love something does it mean I am obsessed?

Going deeper into meditation on my obsession. I know something happened in my childhood as I was very very close to my dad and then suddenly over a period of a year we were not that close anymore.   

I love my dad. And my dad loves me. Surrendering deeper into the realm of higher consciousness. Inviting you to go deeper into your meditation practice too. Let me know if anything surprising happens.    

Thursday, 24 October 2013

I got woken up by a dream

I woke up, still fresh from the horror of my dream. Usually I don't remember them. So I went to check the dreams dictionary and now I am fully awake. I was trying to run away from someone who looked like he will attack me, and was walking and later running up the road through a forest and it was dark. What was I doing on a forest road during the night? No wonder it was horror.
Meaning - (road) Any direction you are taking, such as love affair, new attitude, business
Meaning - (running away from attack) running away from childhood traumas which will remain unconscious, capable of influencing negatively. Hm, are you supposed to not run away from someone looking dangerous?

Anyway, my direction will be influenced by unconscious childhood trauma, influencing negatively. Meditating on this one now. Maybe I will get some guidance eventually.     

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Deep inner peace

Had a meditation session for my neighbors again this morning and I feel at much deeper level of inner peace than I've been lately. I exist for people to live out of inner peace :-) 

Glyn, the psychic reader from Monday also said I need to open up more, open to receive messages on moving further the areas I want to move. He said that's why you meditate, to get guided!

Hm, I talk about this being possible and I experienced it before but lately I do hold myself very guarded. Before it would happen either because I would be desperate or because I would trust my Chinese teacher so much I would just melt. Now... I need to work on being able to melt away again. Surrender... I'll do it again in the evening with a surrender to the universe energy theme.  Have a great day!   

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

My session with a psychic reader

with Mark Anastasi
Three years ago I was working intensely with my internet marketing and business mentor Mark Anastasi. He would time to time mention he is using a psychic reader when clarifying his business directions. He would be using this particular psychic as quite a few other business people were using him with great results. I had my first session in August, and most important question on my mind was about my relationship. Who is my ''the one''? And when is he coming? Psychic would tell me to meditate, heal, and not to focus on relationship area of my life. ''Your husband is coming like a knight in a shining armor.'' I've had a couple of sessions with different masters and this would come up for me quite often, so I wasn't that surprised. When other people would get some clues about their the one, I would get the answer, don't focus, develop your energy abilities first. Really Vesna. I had another session last night. Again. No clue whatsoever. 

But I got something else. I've realized a few days ago I develop an obsessive way of behavior when I get really attracted by someone. And the psychic pointed that out. You need to heal this obsessive behavior to its root. Otherwise your knight will come and you will not be ready! 

I've talked to a couple of friends recently and they admitted they are doing the same thing. As you get infatuated with a guy, you start checking your phone and your email every hour to see has he sent anything? I would also google and facebook and try tracing anything about them. And I would feel all shaky inside, goodbye inner peace. 

So I decided my next chapter of self love work and writing (in my second book) will be dedicated to healing the obsessiveness. And that is the aim of my today's meditation. What are you working on?    

Monday, 21 October 2013

Iyengar yoga and meditation

Nothing better than a good stretch with shavasana finish during lunch break when doing whole day of typing and computer staring. A bit of sunbathing would be nice too, but well, too short those sweet breaks. Hope you will enjoy your meditation today. 

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Dancing meditation with Natalie Benhayon

with Natalie Benhayon
Natalie Benhayon is an amazing expression of femaleness. She is one of the most inspiring ladies in esoteric women's group. Today we've been doing movements, like circles of number 8 out of the core and I feel again sweet and very female. Though I also feel my body more, the tiredness, the stiff parts in my lower belly, tension in shoulders... So I am going to take a nap now  :-)

Natalie led the dancing part. She said she got inspired by Persian female dancing. There was a lot of esoteric knowledge developed in ancient Persia. Would love to know more. 

Here is the link to upcoming women's group meetings, next one will be in London I think in the new year: 

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Deepak Chopra on meditation and stress reduction

Hi! Continuing my journey with Deepak Chopra, love this video where he is explaining and leading meditation for Tara Stiles, a famous yoga teacher in US. Enjoy it: Meditation & Stress Reduction

Friday, 18 October 2013

Deepak Chopra's guided meditation

Today I want to relax deeply and fast. Will listen to this Deepak Chopra's guided video:  Deepak Chopra's guided meditation.  Good night!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Your husband called and said buy whatever you like!

Our evening meditation session at a school in Slovenia would usually start with ''how are you?'' where one would have a chance to celebrate and share gratitude for any good things that happened during the day and also to release any fears or frustrations. I am grateful for this peaceful evening where I have time to relax and later on enjoy the call with my fellow sex and intimacy seminar students. 

My prayer and my wishes: dear universe, I would really like to have a husband. A nice one, like the one on the pic on your right. I know I refused some good options you sent my way, thinking I can get something better, but I think I am ready now, I've really seen and experienced enough to know how to value a good man.
Thank you.
Namaste and have a good night everybody!    

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Meditation with my neighbours

Zumba last night! Always makes me happy and helps to release tensions and frustrations. 

Though I woke up again all itchy of  wishing to move things forward but... then I don't. We had meditation with my neighbours this morning, that was nice. I can say I ticked my daily meditation. But it didn't really ''still'' me like it usually does. Maybe moving things with my book publishing in the evening will ''still'' me.

Have a good day and hope you are feeling the stillness :-)    

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Sweet meditation en francais

After zumba and dance pilates feeling knackered.
Very sweet meditation in my favorite language: Relaxation guidée - voyage dans une bulle  . Good night!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Iyengar yoga and meditation

Had a really relaxing yoga practice today at lunchtime. After a weekend of computer screen and reading, it felt really amazing to deeply stretch and then at the end indulge in shavasana. If you want to know more about meditation in shavasana, here is the link:

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Savina Atai and 9 Months Self Care Challenge

Savina Atai - face yoga
One of the people that inspire me most is a Slovene girl Savina Atai. She has studied with different spiritual, nutrition, yoga and other exercises teachers from the early age of 5. In the last few years she has created a huge self care movement among Slovene women focused on the right nutrition, relaxation and rejuvenation exercises. I've followed her previous challenge and it helped me to release sadness of an unfulfilled relationship expectation in two days. As I started to practice with her exercises, meditation and face yoga plan, all I began to be interested in was - me. This week she is presenting exercises to heal dark under-eye circles which are my regular feature so am looking forward to that. But before that - 10 min silent meditation in my bed. Enjoy your Sunday!           

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Silent meditation

Deep breath in, deep breath out... It's time to say goodbye to another day. Will sit in silence for 10 min and then looking forward to my cosy, warm bed. Hope you had time for meditation today if not join me.
Bonne nuit!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Prof Tony Howell and ''The 2 Day Diet'' book

Prof Tony Howell and me Vesna Flo
A busy day at work today and afterwards I went and found a nice pair of boots I wanted. Intentions do work :)  Prof Tony Howell visited our institute and I mentioned I've seen his book as one of bestsellers on amazon. He told me how it came to that and what the research data really showed that works and it is all in ''The 2 Day Diet'' book. Looks like diet books are a way to go as I have another colleague from my previous job that has just recently got published also on weight loss topic. Shall we do a weight-loss meditation? Hihihi. I usually need to make sure to keep weight but it wouldn't be bad to do the breathing exercises that help digestion and with weight regulation and then - good night!    

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Why do I exist again?

Bibury, Cotswold
So pretty! That's also one of the houses from the village called Bibury. A nice home and a man - that's all I would need to be truly happy. I think. Giving myself to the universe now with a mind-empty meditation. Empty. Soften your shoulders, your cheeks, soften the muscles around your spine, Vesna. And just be. Be empty. Let the surroding energy enter you and move you to a higher level. A level where I fulfill the mission of my existence. A level much higher than a fairytale dream  - please universe give me my prince and a castle :) Why do I exist again? Join me. Living life out of inner peace.    

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Why do I exist?

I've joined Landmark's sex and intimacy seminar series to resolve what is stopping me from having a handsome and caring man in my life. When we went through the curriculum an important part of it is to know ''why do I exist?''. Sounds as a version of ''Who am I?'' to me. I came to a sentence that sounds true to me. I exist for people to live out of inner peace. I exist for people to live out of inner peace.
This will become my today's meditation mantra as I feel rather unpeaceful myself and the usual don't think, be empty, doesn't work. I exist for people to live out of inner peace. Why do you exist? :)  

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Letting go

Lunchtime today 
Deep breath in... deep breath out... deep breath in... deep breath out...
dear universe
please let me release all frustrations
[a minute of silence]
dear universe
please pour sweet purifying energy through me

I allow myself to relax really really deep

I allow myself to connect to higher consciousness sphere
I allow myself to accept any ideas that might appear
I allow myself to let go of me    I let go of me

Monday, 7 October 2013

Deep relaxation needed

Party time!
One late night and I still have not recovered. But I do look good on this photo from Friday's party, don't I? Today I went shopping for black flat boots, tried like ten of them, didn't like any. Dear universe energy, help me with styling, I don't have that much time to run around town to find one female friendly, pretty pair of boots. Tomorrow my regular zumba and dance pilates class, so next shopping time might be on Wednesday. I also promised myself I will write the latest happenings into my second book, but it is already so late. How do I spend all my days not managing to do anything meaningful? I will do it now. The heck with beauty sleep. xx  

5 min meditation first.      

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Releasing sadness through meditation

That's my friend Jana. We've done some healing work today and than walked through the beautiful rose gardens in Regents park of London. It's a bit sad day today for me as I decided to let go of my fantasy, and let the man we've been in contact for 2 months go. I don't know will I ever meet someone so nice, warm and caring again. So now my heart is a bit sad and scared. What would I say to a client in this situation? Take a really good care of yourself. Relaxing meditation, have a long hot shower, and early sleep. Not enough sleep and feeling overemotional goes together hand in hand. So,  au revoir x     

Saturday, 5 October 2013

“When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.” Rumi

Bibury, Cotswold

“When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.” Rumi 

Been on a trip a couple of days ago, this is a wonderful village in the middle of Britain. Lots of tourists around but still feels so peaceful. Today I am resting after chiropractic's final assessment and last night's party. It is half awake half asleep meditation - perfect for recharging. Enjoy your weekend and your meditation practise.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Good night meditation

Just came home from a party. Will sit on the bed for 5 min and then Au Revoir! x

Thursday, 3 October 2013

What is meditation?

I've just realized I've never even touched the subject of what meditation actually is. I've just assumed everyone these days knows that it is very beneficial. Here is a great and concise explanation from my beloved Deepak Chopra: What is meditation?

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Group meditation in our building

Had meditation this morning for our building. There are three interested neighbors for now which is great as the room holds maximum ten. I do feel much deeper inner peace from it. Yet, I got over flooded with work at work, and am becoming inpatient regarding completing my book. I will have to change something but don't know yet what. Dear higher consciousness please give some clues and guidance.  

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Relaxing into my ovaries

Tivoli, Ljubljana
Softening my body. I can feel the tension in my belly. Actually in the edges of my belly. Ovaries... My ovaries feel very tense. And it makes me a bit worried. My mum had her ovaries removed. Am I taking care of myself as a woman? Or am I just intending to, I am interested in the topic, but not actually really doing it? I am softening a bit more. It feels like ovaries respond to that and they are getting softer too. 

Yes, after a few days of celebrities watch out, I am back to actually feeling my body. Though I have to have a bit of fun with meditation, otherwise it becomes dull particularly when I am doing it on my own. In the group - all kinds of reactions happen, sometimes somebody would burst into laugh, taking us all with it :-). Enjoy your soft bodies. I will continue to soften mine.