I've been meaning to write my blog posts again for a while, but the pressure of almost 2 year gap was sitting on my shoulders. Today we had a really sweet and fulfilling meditation session with masters's students from our psychiatry department so carrying this energy I can't resist not to share it.
My meditation practise now beside morning meditation consists of leading staff meditation twice weekly at an Institute of Preventive Medicine I work for, shivasanas after weekly yoga classes, and meditation with my partner before bed, or sometimes during the weekend.
I've shared about my beginnings with the students and how meditations helped me not just with pre-exams stress, but with relationship stress which is what stressed me out the most in those days. Students nodded their heads and smiled agreeing relationship troubles are a source of big stress. I'm still working on my book describing everything I learnt in meditation schools that helped me go through the times of troubles so I can now have a beautiful, balanced and supportive relationship.
Will write more about everything I've learnt in the past two years in the further posts.
Take care