Friday, 31 January 2014

Can't sleep, digesting a recent event

Can't sleep still steaming...
Director of a pretty famous movie from Slovenia came to London, had questions and answers session and said we lived like in Northern Korea 20 years ago. Beside everything good that happened in our country, people stood up, fought against Nazis, when many other nations bowed down in front of them, before 1950 stood up again, we are a country that is not communism and not capitalism we will invent our own economic system, a country which at the end of 1945 was left with more or less nothing, but was able to develop pretty well with the preconditions it had. Well no, he wouldn’t mention any of that. In Britain we are considered an unimportant and unknown country. Eastern Europe is not posh and not the most respected, and yes we are not central Europe but eastern for our British friends. And there he comes, someone who is really good at his craft of making movies and says the same: well yeah, we have just been Northern Korea. If I was an investor for that movie from Slovenia, I would want my money back. 

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Gute Nacht

Holland park
It has been a while since I started to write this blog. To help me get back into regular daily meditation practice. It worked. I've just finished my 30 min sitting. Yes, longer than usual mostly as I feel tired... though I also called my guides to get in touch with me and let me know they are present. Nothing happened, no sign. I guess I don't know how to address them. 

Most of the readers are this week from Germany so: Gute Nacht, meine lieben Freunde :)

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Where do you eat?

Been to a great lecture on food, big food companies and what kind of everyday choices we all make. If you live in UK or US and still shop in supermarkets, the article is for you: Obesity in US and UK. Even if you are not close to obesity like me, the level of sugar and substances that are not good for your body in all the processed, or even non processed food and drinks that are sold in shops today is enormous. I have luck to live close to Planet Organic and already do a lot of my food shopping there. You might have access to a local farmers market. You - might be living in France. They have the lowest rate of obesity in Europe, though it is also alarmingly growing. Where do you eat? (it's not funny, big food companies will sell you anything for a good profit). Meditating on this one tonight.     

Monday, 27 January 2014

Guided meditation for Trudie Styler

Hi, if you wish to add variety and follow a guided meditation here is a quick 5min featuring Trudie Styler: Guided meditation

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Meditation on Parisian styling

Hi! If you are following my blog you know that one of my loves beside feeling totally at peace is style, particularly french style at the moment. I took almost an hour to really deeply relax today, silent meditation, sitting in silence letting the thoughts pass by if they appear (they do appear to me :), and now I want to induce myself with a bit of french styling spirit. My style is still not consistent, sometimes I really like how I look, sometimes I see myself in the shop window and I say, gosh, I was rushing too much and not taking care of appearance again...
Join my parisian meditation and post some photos lovelies ;)
Parisian style

Friday, 24 January 2014


Last night dinner
Feeling nostalgic... Had a great dinner and late night last night. Throws me out of balance immediately. Makes me want: the guy I dated last year around this time. Makes me want Slovene singer Jan Plestenjak (same as quarter of Slovene population - female gender). Makes me want... Makes me basically want to go out of me and want a man. Maybe this is natural as how would we otherwise procreate if I always feel in balance and I don't need anyone?
Au revoir...

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Another example on how to start

I am quite regularly meditating with my neighbors and the most common question new meditators have is How to start? Well, you just sit down and start :-). The following article about Sandra Shpilberg's start is cute: My start of meditation practise

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

4 Commonly Asked Questions About Starting a Meditation Practice

So you want to start daily meditation practice and then you have all kind of questions in your head: will it work for you, how long should you do it... Here is an interesting link answering those questions: 4 Commonly Asked Questions About Starting a Meditation Practice  
One of the topics: How will I know when I "get it"?
This is very individualized. Typically in my group classes it takes a minimum of four classes for some sort of ah-ha moment. Now, as you may know, I always recommend group classes because they accelerate the meditation experience. Again, meditation is not about rushing or trying to get somewhere, yet doing work with others in a trusting           environment deepens your practice quicker. Just is what it is. And, it sure helps when you also have a teacher who can guide you.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Had a step class last night at 6pm and couldn't fall asleep till after 12pm. So step class in the evening will definitely not be on my agenda again. It was fun though and I relaxed well with meditation, but my heart rate was obviously way too high to sleep... Sticking with my early bed routine. x   

Monday, 20 January 2014

10 min pre-bed meditation

Close your eyes gently and take a deep breath. Now in order to read further you have to open them again. Relax your shoulders. Relax them really well. Straighten and relax your pine. Relax your hips, and your belly. Expand your belly. Expand your legs and feet. Feel totally relaxed from the top of your head to your feet. Allow yourself to relax and expand. For your health, for your beauty and to get guided. Sit for 10 min. 

Slowly open your eyes. Good night sleep!  

Sunday, 19 January 2014

à Paris

I've done a test on which city should I live in and the result was bien-aimé Paris. Now I keep on thinking when and how... Has been in my thoughts for a while to get dipped into French culture. 

If you want to play with it yourself, here is the link:

Let me know which result you've got!


Saturday, 18 January 2014


Good morning! Hope you've rested well. I would need a couple of more early nights I think. Lately I got caught up into internet browsing, Facebook and other delicious disturbances so my undereyes are showing clear exhaustion. Heading to climb Primrose Hill soon and then continuing my edit with a fresh head.     

Friday, 17 January 2014

Sleeping in early tonight

The most effective way for me to feel refreshed is an early bed. Have found a link to dr. Wilson's blog which is comprehensively explaining why: Dr Wilson on sleep. Good night everyone!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Where are we going?

How Long Will Life Survive on Earth? According to scientists we have less than a billion years: All this material development we are achieving today one day will not mean much - as it will be too hot here. Or maybe it will as we will figure out how to live here or on another planet in any circumstances?

The closest philosophy to me is the one exploring the possibility of us human beings evolving our vibration and live in other dimension which our senses can't sense yet. And you? Where are you and your next generations going?   

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Practicing gratitude

Practicing gratitude - as it makes me feel really good and I think it also helps me healing the cold.

Reading and meditating on John Demartini's:

Gratitude: The key to loving each day and gaining from every experience that occurs 

Loving it! 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Healing the cold

Aiping Wang
At home today, having a nasty cold. Listening to a meditation CD from my first deep relaxation and natural laws teacher Aiping Wang. She says: be natural and don't force things, Vesna. Let the energy flow through you. Let the energy do the work. 

Eating propolis, oranges and nettle tea. Hope it sorts me out soon.


Monday, 13 January 2014

The history of meditation can be traced back over 4000 years ago

Wonderful guidance into meditation from Silent Journey Blog:

Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor, and close your eyes. 
Take a few slow, deep breaths. 
Imagine a warm, glowing light surrounding each body part, as it glides over. 
First, focus your attention on your feet. 
Relax each and every toe, moving your way up your ankles and to your calves. 
Continue all the way up your body, until your entire being is surrounded in the warm, glowing light. 
If you have thoughts that come to your mind during this session, just let them float away as fast as they came in.


Sunday, 12 January 2014

Catch up dinner

Great dinner last night and a headache afterwards. Recovering from late going-to-bed. Relaxing my shoulders, neck and particularly my brain. Not in the mood to edit, going for a massage to a friend.

Relax well! 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Inspiration :)

Jan Plestenjak
Mum surprised me with a concert just before the new year. One of my favorite Slovene singers. He sings mostly soft romantic songs. In the interviews comes across fairly wise. He loves spending time at the same place at Slovene seaside my mum  loves (Strunjan). 
He's been musician all of his life and his beginnings were quite clumsy, but now after more than 20 years - he is a diamond: 
Jan Plestenjak - Vecja od neba

Friday, 10 January 2014

Famous meditators

Paul McCartney
Paul speaking on how he started with meditation: Paul McCartney on how he found out about meditation

Paul is known to be relaxing or half sleeping in times of the Beatles and then got awaken by a tune. Some of those songs became one of the Beatles's most famous.  

Need more motivation for daily practice? :) 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

How to bring vitality and passion into your life?

Dr John Demartini
I do like to meditate as it recharges me as I can often feel tired, even after a whole night sleep, but I couldn't say that is my passion, it is my need. Though still I don't really meditate deep enough to connect to my guides, just on the surface to recharge. So if I would deeply understand what I can get from a more courageous connection, I guess my meditations could lead me much further than they do... 
Inspiring myself with John yet again: 

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Waking up with Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini
Waking up - relaxing and drinking John Demartini's wisdom. I've found a new interview with him on the topic of values in relationships:
 Dr John Demartini Breaks the Fairytale Myth in Relationships Video

Good morning!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

internal peace - external beauty

Coco Chanel
I feel so incredibly well most of the last 2 weeks... Enjoying every word in the new book I am reading about french joie de vivre. The author's grandmother was French and she decided to explore the country's secrets to a joyful life. Looks like the topic is rubbing off well on me as I've bought goat cheese and tasty cherry tomatoes for last night's dinner and everything has been making me smile. 
Had a great meditation with John Demartini's instructions. What else would a woman need to be happy ;)? Leaving you with an image of Coco, connecting my internal peace with more externally expressed beauty. (To be honest during winter I am really bad with it, in this windy and rainy season I wrap myself into an old coat from top to toe and I can't care less how I look like to the rest of the world. Comfort first! ) 
So dear Coco please help to this eternal dreamer xx  

Monday, 6 January 2014

Look like Les Parisiennes...

Garance Dore
I am continuing with french culture explorations into this year and love Garance Dore's little videos: Pardon my French: Les Parisiennes

Méditation today - relax your forehead, soften the point between your eyebrows, slightly softly open your mouth, relax your neck and all the way down your spine. Expand your belly...

My mind keeps on seeing the final scene from the video with two gorgeous french hunks. I am guessing they were french. As Dalai Lama would say: ''Don't fight your thoughts. Just don't think of your past or your future. Relax.'' Ok. So I will enjoy my view! Au revoir! 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

From Shagger of the Year to an Awakened Man

Russell Brand
I like to have a look on who is spreading wise thoughts around the world and I've noticed Russell Brand has been speaking very highly of yoga, meditation and buddhism in the recent years. Here is a great compilation of interviews with him: Inspirational Russell Brand .
From repeatedly awarded Shagger of The Year to an Awakened Man. Long live Russell Brand! :-) 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Good morning!

Ljubljana castle
Good morning! 
Short week - thanks god! now more time for day dreaming :-)

Relaxing in my London home. Need to make order again, feeling unpeaceful.
Let me know if you managed to arrange your schedule to put in regular meditation or is it still a challenge.



Friday, 3 January 2014

Meditating on the future

Bujta repa
One more pic from Slovenia! Eating ''bujta repa'' a traditional dish from part of Slovenia that is close to Hungary.

Meditating about lifestyle where I could spend time in UK, Slovenia and France. And maybe Italy. Can I manifest that? :)

All the best!


Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy 2014!

Rotovz, Novo mesto, Slovenia

I hope you missed me :-)  but not too much.
I took some time off and dedicated myself to family and friends in Slovenia.

Wishing you all a fabulous 2014!!


PS: I wasn't very strict with my meditation practice, back in the saddle from today onward.