Saturday, 30 November 2013

Intimacy with men - work in progress

I've noticed one thing clearly when being at sex and intimacy seminars. My intimacy with women is flowing, open, warm. I have many female friends, I don't feel too attached to a particular friendship, we love each other when we are together and we love each other when we reconnect if we lose contact for a while. I don't or very rarely feel hurt by anything in relationship to female friends. 

When it comes to men, I put a brake on every single time I feel I might be in danger, which is quite often. I rather avoid them, stay reserved, keep them at a distance... I feel I don't understand them, all they want is sex... I don't have many male friends.

What I am taking on now is to be warm, peaceful and loving when it comes to creating friendships with men in my life.  

Friday, 29 November 2013


Blissful Me - was the title of today's 21-day meditation challenge. It teaches us adults how to feel in bliss when we don't feel it naturally. I feel far apart from it today, so this topic comes in even more handy. Connecting to inner bliss now. 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

All good things

Sarah Turnbull
Love Sarah Turnbull's style of writing. Observing the environment and culture she lives in, expressing it in a comic way, plus adding  in her personal life experiences. ''Almost French'' is making me laugh widely that I have to hide my face when sitting in a tube. I am looking forward to read her second book All Good Things. Here is an interesting review of it: Review of Sarah Turnbull's ''All good things''

And me... Life is turning around so quickly. I have to finish my editing and move on.

Au revoir!



Wednesday, 27 November 2013

21-day Chopra centre meditation challenge

I am at day 13 - it is still time to join Chopra Centre meditations: . Looking forward to one again tonight

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Delicious life

Woke up and was first just relaxing in bed. Enjoyed being in my home, feeling so safe, protected, cosy. Life is so delicious when I take it as it is and not beating myself up with a mission of finding the right man. Then I showered quickly and listened to landmark's coaching call. The topic was to look what lies beyond being resigned and cynical. Got great insights in my own behavior. Practicing being at work un-resigned and un-cynical now :)  Enjoy your day x    

Monday, 25 November 2013

Almost French: Sarah Turnbull

No internet last night so I missed my blog post. I did meditate in the morning yesterday and then felt a bit sluggish as out on Saturday. Also sad, as we were four girls there, all single and looking for a partner for a couple of years each. Today my neighbor, we've just finished meditation; who came to London a few months ago from Greece, opened the same topic. How many girls she knows that just can't understand why these days it takes so long to find the right partner. Particularly in London. So now I feel, ok, I have enough money to enjoy simple things like nice clothes, good dinners, reading, movies, socializing. I am reading ''Almost French'' second time. Really delicious reading. And my focus and intention is on completing my book. Au revoir! Speak in the morning :)

Saturday, 23 November 2013

I give a 100% only when I really have to

Jana's cake
Another birthday party tonight. Looking forward! 
I thought I will be stimulated to edit faster if I have limited time - and things to look forward to in my weekend. But it doesn't really work. Today I started to ask myself does it really matter - why would I even have to complete this book? I've learnt lots about myself from it. But will it be useful for anyone else? Hm...
That's why I am editing, am I not? To make it a useful and insightful read for other women and other people. 

Friday, 22 November 2013

Good night!

Very tired today. Relaxing now and feeling even stronger tiredness. Bedtime soon. Deepak's voice is putting me to sleep.
Good night! - and do meditate properly :-)

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Family constellations

We've looked into my relationship with dad again with John Vesey. And how this effects my choice of  men, my desires to have a charismatic and charming man yet at the back I think they are not 100% trustworthy. So part of me wants a relationship but part of me wants to stay safe. Betting on myself as my best company is safe. This work really is moving me further. Looking forward to new learnings. Take care 

John Vesey, osteopath and healer website: John Vesey  

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Another trip to John Vesey, hands on healing

Saturday night dinner
It's cold. And I need to travel 1.5h hour to see John Vesey, my newest exploration in the world of healing. It was really good last time, so I excitedly re-booked. All in all looking forward, it is great to relax and connect with him.

Pic from Jana's dinner - loved the restaurant as they serve Serbian pleskavica. Bread is a bit enormous.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Being intimate with the whole world

I feel very disturbed today. I am really sensitive to any small distraction, the psychic has been right. Went to sleep late as I want to finish the ''Almost French'' book that I am reading soon. The more I am getting to know French the more I now think this culture is way too closed and formal for me. The author in the book reports how many tough times she had in France because of that. Yes, of course I'd love to learn the beauty secrets of French women and be a powerful seductress but in reality do I really want that? I love my life to be peaceful, simple, enjoyable, open. A life where I can say everything I think out loud. So yesterday I teased my friend on Facebook and he happens to be from France and he was so offended that he deleted the whole post. That's a different French guy than the one I reported about a month ago. I apologized this morning but the heck, I'd rather have fun with my Balkan brothers that can take me as I am.

Here I am, learning to be intimate with the whole world. It's not that easy peasy, flower power. Hm... :(  

Monday, 18 November 2013

Winter? I need even more of recharge

Oxford Street, London
Nature is mostly having a rest during winter. We humans, we make it lively and shiny by Christmas lights and celebrations. I feel I need more rest too. So I had a very nice meditation with my next door neighbor just now. We had lunch together on Saturday and decided to occasionally meditate together. She can't make it to my group class as starting work too early in the morning. And... she is into energy healing, exploring different techniques... 

Really nice to connect with human beings around me. That's what we are exploring at the intimacy part of sex and intimacy seminar series. Loving all human beings around us. How would life look for you if you felt deep love to everyone around you?     

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Effortless flow

Jana's birthday cake
I am not really productive. Keep on dreaming and checking facebook. Deepak says that when we let nature create through us it is effortless, not hard work. Maybe nature wants me to give the editing job to someone else. And I have more time to enjoy and have fun with my friends. 
I really enjoyed Jana's birthday last night.  

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Editing weekend

Today I'll be editing whole day, one last ''whole book through'' edit and then I am going to a birthday dinner by a close friend. Knowing I am going to be at the seaside next year in September is giving me tremendous amount of energy. Isn't that funny? Sometimes I hear people saying your retreat or your seminar is starting the day you book it. I get that. It really is like that. Mmmm, I can smell the sea right now :) Be good and follow Chopra's meditations they are really good!  

Friday, 15 November 2013


Spirala's sailing crew
Got the green light from my boss to go ahead and book my dream sailing. Yay!! Of course I feel now rather excited! 
Tonight I am seeing Robin, my fellow universal medicine student, that is learning to live as a woman, healthy and soft in this rather pushover world. 
Quick meditation in the evening and a long sleep after. Weekend coming, so good! :-)

Thursday, 14 November 2013

You are your deepest desire - Upanishads

Spirala's sailing boat
Recharged through the night and listened to Chopra's meditations morning and evening. Deepak expands on a quote from Upanishads - you are what your deepest desire is. As is your desire, so is your intention. The rest of the quote on the blog: 

My deepest desire is: to be at peace. And to have a sexy and deeply loving husband. And to live for a while in Paris and spend lots of time next to Mediterranean sea. I am thinking to book sailing holidays for next year. I should just book them tomorrow and stop thinking so much. I am reasonably at peace, regarding husband my psychic thinks I should just relax and prepare myself for him, so what I can do is to book the sailing holidays. And research what I would do for a week in Paris... next year when it gets warmer. Once again: What is your deepest desire? 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Heavy tiredness

Paul A Young truffles
Heavy day at work, cold... Evening for chocolates and hiding in bed with a good book. Meditation done, though I still feel so tired. I think is best I go to sleep and start fresh in the morning.

Au revoir mes amis :)

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

21-day Chopra Centre meditation challenge: Desire and Destiny

It's not too late, you can still join the 21-day Chopra Centre meditation challenge Desire and Destiny  , just click on the link. First day: I am my deepest desire.  

What is my deepest desire? My deepest desire is living life out of deep, the deepest inner peace. When I feel so deeply at peace that everything around me makes sense and I deeply understand everything. What is your deepest desire?

Monday, 11 November 2013

So Hum meditation

Today a new Chopra Centre 21-day meditation challenge is starting. Looking forward to meditate knowing so many thousands of people are doing the same. 
Starting today with So Hum Chopra Centre meditation. Great session on the link here: So Hum Chopra Centre meditation 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Martina Simonic - mixed media artist

Martina Simonic
Thinking of my inspiring friends that do bring their projects to the end. One of them Martina Simonic with her art collection. Her art pieces are very heartwarming, like the hearty piece on my yesterday's post picture. You can check them out here: Martina's paintings

I am going to have my piece of writing art finished today too. Enough of hesitation.

Ciao - wishing you a very creative Sunday too.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Restlessness, procrastination and meditation

Femininity corner of my home
The day is ending. I haven't done much. Had a tooth removed, slept after for three hours and then... Tried to catch an inspiration or a surge of energy to give me the power to finish my edit. Browsed you tube videos and the web. In search of inspiration or in doing the procrastination. Why is it so difficult for me to finish? Am I scared of negative reactions? Or am I just procrastinating like always on time consuming tasks I don't like doing?  

Have meditated but I think it is just another way of procrastinating in this case. Had Leonardo Da Vinci also procrastinated as much? Apparently it took him ages to complete something. Below Leonardo's female head is the hearty piece of art from my friend Martina Simonic. This two works of art remind me every morning: I am a woman. Live life feminine way. Don't get trapped into the masculine, need to prove myself, as it never makes me really happy and content. But, I do want to finish my first book asap. To evolve my way of living and contribute it to the second one.  
Bonne nuit! Cheers to a better start tomorrow morning!       

Friday, 8 November 2013

Vesna Flo blog

Hi! Some of you asked me how to find my blog easily through Google, so will experiment with the title Vesna Flo blog - maybe it will get picked up so you can just type that and get to the site.

Early morning! Enjoy your meditation and so will I :-)

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Deeply nurturing meditation

A fountain from hotel Regency in Milan where I stayed a few months ago while working at a conference. Pretty, tranquil... That's how I want to feel today whole day. Tranquil, peaceful, with deeply embedded inner peace. Have a great day!   

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Chiropractic advice

My chiropractic Paul says I spend far too much time focused on computer screen so my upper vertebrae are all squashed on top of each other by not moving. It's true, I am glued to computer at work and at home. Trying to remember and move my neck a bit more often and change posture, loosen tense shoulders... Meditating on healing my neck vertebrae now. How is your skeleton?     

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Feng Shui and Meditation

Made order at home today as I have inspection from the landlords. And... it does feel great. External order influences internal order, and internal order influences external one. This time I had to be forced by an external circumstance (landlord) to make time (1 hour) and do it. My mind thought I am too busy completing my book. 

First rule of feng shui - how to make and use good energy from your environment is simply order and cleanliness. Really nice to relax and meditate in my cute neat home.   :-)

Monday, 4 November 2013

Lunchtime yoga

Looking forward to my lunchtime yoga. Haven't been very productive this weekend, need to catch up with my soul work through the week. Still working on completion of my book edit. Asking the universe to guide me to complete it through the fastest possible way. What is most important thing you want to do right now? Namaste. 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Day dreaming and meditating

Lovely views last night, though too loud music. I think D.J.s get their hearing weakened and then suspect everyone else hears so badly... Though it was worth it - for the views. Lots of fireworks last night.

Now, I am resting and recovering. Day dreaming of living somewhere warm, close to Mediterranean sea. I've found a sale on Ecco Markocija products which use essential oils from Dalmatia (part of Croatia's coast) and I've bought like 10 different things Occo's website. To make me happy and warm at heart over winter in London. Ommm mmmarkocija x      

Saturday, 2 November 2013

One hour long Saturday meditation

I give it a year!  -  movie 
Love easygoing, slow weekends. Today I had time to sit in meditation for an hour. To soften my painful shoulders and focused eyes, to open my heart and feel the stomach pain as I've eaten sugary food last night. Ben&Jerry and a movie, my mind still thinks this is a perfect winding down activity. Loved the movie though. Lots of electricity between the two couples involved and gorgeous pics of London. 
Meditation also softened the intensity of the last few weeks which allows me now to enjoy the intimacy of my own company. Yet, am I going any further in strengthening my energy connection? I have not had any revealing dreams except last Thursday or received any messages... So I guess I am still holding back... Relax and meditate deeper, go beyond your normal experience...   :)

Friday, 1 November 2013

Red code Halloween

My answer to Halloween's darkness :-) Sorry just can't accept it. When you are coming from a country walking distance from Venice and Vienna you have appreciation for beauty in your DNA. Well, if you don't spend all your days gardening and preparing Sunday lunch for your family. Though I will be going for a Halloween party in the Gherkin tomorrow. Couldn't resist it because the views of London will be phenomenal!

Feeling very peaceful today, love John Vesey's type of healing work. I will also start doing one to one treatments again soon. When I get around to make order in my place.

Peace with you witches and the haunted  - enjoy your meditations x